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My Purpose in Life

QUESTION: How do I find my purpose in life?


It is encouraging to know that each one of us has a purpose in life. It is also heartening to know that this purpose can be determined. To determine the purpose of an appliance sold in a store, asking the storeowner may give you some idea; asking someone who uses it may also give you a fair idea. However, if you want to hit the bull's eye you might as well read the instruction manual which is enclosed with the product. In some cases, you can even contact the manufacturer.

You may be wondering, "How does this relate to finding my purpose in life?" The fact is that you were manufactured or created and your manufacturer, which is God, has left you manual with instructions.

This manual is the Bible. The Bible says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).

That statement can encourage you to dive into this manual for living.

In fact, you can even talk to God through His Son Jesus to get a very clear understanding of your purpose.

You may want to find your purpose in life by asking a family member or close friend. They may have a great idea! However, like the sales person at a store, they may only give you a limited idea based on their past and present experiences.

God is omniscient (He is all-knowing). When you include God, or better yet, put Him first in the process of finding out your purpose, you are coming to Someone who has the whole picture before Him. He already knows your future and has a specific plan for you. He knows all the pieces of the puzzle of your life and already sees how they should be connected.

We encourage you not to waste a moment more! Talk to God. Pick up His manual, the Bible, and start to read it.

Matthew 7:8 says, "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Learn More About the Meaning of Life!

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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